Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jesus Really Saves!!! Even Atheist.....

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about a problem that he faces. From this exchange of words I had a revelation about tough situations we all find ourselves in. Within this revelation I found that my friend could of avoided this situation if he simply lived by Judeo-Christian values, morals, and principals.

You don't agree? Try this out:

  1. Take an awful situation in your life that has caused you pain, whether it was physical, emotional, or mental.
  2. Now, think of all the actions you did up to the point where the bad incident occurred.
  3. Did any of the actions taken by you create the opportunity for the bad situation to happen?
  4. Now if you had applied Christian principals to your conduct, would the incident been totally avoided?
  • Example 1:

A guy, who is an illegal narcotic peddler, is on the corner of his neighborhood when the police bend the corner with guns drawn. He attempts to run but it is too late. He is caught, but what he didn't know is that fifteen minutes prior to him taking up his post on the corner, somebody was murdered on the next street. He fits the murderer's description, and with all of his prior convictions, he is suspect number one.

He is eventually charged and convicted for a crime he didn't commit. All of his appeals are lost and he must now spend the rest of his life in a cell for somebody else. Only if he decided to never sell drugs and lived a life filled with Christian values this incident - most likely - would of never took place.

  • Example 2:

A young girl is contemplating having sex. She goes to public school and is basically lead to believe that sex is fine as long as protection is used. She meets a boy that she likes and decides he is the "One". She makes sure that he uses a condom and gives him what should be saved for a special person - her husband. During sex, unbeknownst to her, the condom breaks.

Next two weeks the guy avoids her calls and she feels bad about what she did, but even worse she has missed her period. She goes to the doctor and finds out that she is pregnant. Planned Parenting is visited and murder is committed.

Now two lives are affected by one simple act of pleasure, that probably wasn't enjoyable to her. One dead and one that has to live the rest of her life knowing that she ended her first child's life. Had she applied Christian morals to her life this incident would of never come to fruition.

Although we can not avoid every bad situation in our lifetime, we do often create an atmosphere, through "sinful" actions, that makes us vulnerable to life-altering situations that we regret happening.

That is why Christian's moralistic values and principals can benefit everybody, even the Atheist. You don't have to be a "Bible Thumping" religious zealot to have common sense. If you take a moment and read you will find that Christian morals are very logical and - when followed - they lift many traps set in our lives.

Look, nobody is perfect (trust me, I'm not), but living by a few rules can greatly improve all of our situation.

Try it. :)

-Jim Jones

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